Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > P
WebSphere Commerce database table: PPCEXTDATA
This table stores the non-standard protocol data required in the financial transaction which goes beyond the standard attributes defined in the payment instruction. It can be associated with a payment instruction or a financial transaction. When associated with a payment instruction, it can be used by all the financal transactions executed against the same payment instruction. When associated with a financial transaction, this extra data can be used by this same transaction and subsequent transactions.
Column Name Column Type Description PPCEXTDATA_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The generated identifier for this extended data PPCPAYINST_ID BIGINT The identifier of the payment instruction in WebSphere Commerce Payments to which this extended data is associated. Null when this extended data is associated to a financial transaction.
This column contains the CMR relationship with PPCPAYINSTPPCPAYTRAN_ID BIGINT The identifier of the financial transaction in WebSphere Commerce Payments to which this extended data is associated. Null when this extended data is associated to a payment instruction.
This column contains the CMR relationship with PPCPAYTRANATTRIBUTETYPE SMALLINT NOT NULL The type of the attribute value.
4: TYPE_STRINGENCRYPTED SMALLINT NOT NULL The flag indicates whether the value is encrypted or not using the merchant key. MARKFORDELETE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The flag indicates whether this object has been marked for deletion.
0: not marked for deletion
1: marked for deletionOPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. ATTRIBUTENAME VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL The name used by the plug-in or WebSphere Commerce to indentify this extended data SEARCHVALUE VARCHAR(64) The searchable part of the value of this extended data. If this attribute is not searchable, NULL will be set to this column. DATAVALUE VARCHAR(4000) The value of this extended data. PPCBATCH_ID BIGINT No PPCBATCH_ID external description assigned yet
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030412350 PPCEXTDATA_ID Primary Key I0000926 PPCPAYINST_ID Non-Unique Index I0000927 PPCPAYTRAN_ID Non-Unique Index I0000962 SEARCHVALUE Non-Unique Index I0001106 PPCBATCH_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type R_3479 PPCBATCH_ID PPCBATCH PPCBATCH_ID Cascade F_1174 PPCPAYINST_ID PPCPAYINST PPCPAYINST_ID Cascade F_1175 PPCPAYTRAN_ID PPCPAYTRAN PPCPAYTRAN_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_