Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > O
WebSphere Commerce database table: ORDTAX
Each row of this table represents the total of the tax amounts of a particular TaxCategory for all the OrderItems in an Order.
Column Name Column Type Description ORDERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The Order. TAXCGRY_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The TaxCategory. TAXAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL The tax amount, in the currency of the Order (ORDERS.CURRENCY). LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP The time this information was most recently updated. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030405500 ORDERS_ID+TAXCGRY_ID Primary Key I0000676 TAXCGRY_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_551 ORDERS_ID ORDERS ORDERS_ID Cascade F_552 TAXCGRY_ID TAXCGRY TAXCGRY_ID Cascade
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