Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > M
WebSphere Commerce database table: MGPCONDELE
This table stores member group condition elements.
Column Name Column Type Description MGPCONDELE_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The member group condition element ID. The value can be up to 254 characters. MBRGRP_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The MemberGroup ID. It is the foreign key to the MBRGRP table. NAME VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL The MemberGroup condition element name. It should be unique within a MemberGroup. TYPE VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL The member group condition element type. PARENT VARCHAR(64) The parent element name. SEQUENCE DOUBLE The sequence number provided by the CMC authoring user interface. VARIABLE VARCHAR(254) The condition variable name. OPERATOR VARCHAR(16) The condition operator. VALUE VARCHAR(254) The condition value. CONDNAME VARCHAR(254) The condition name, if a name exists. Only the openCondition requires the name. NEGATE SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The flag indicating whether the condition results will be negated. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0001230 NAME+MBRGRP_ID Unique Index SQL100520030356180 MGPCONDELE_ID Primary Key I0001231 MBRGRP_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_3590 MBRGRP_ID MBRGRP MBRGRP_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_3591 MGPCONDELE_ID MGPCONDELENVP MGPCONDELE_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_