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WebSphere Commerce database table: LANGPAIR
Each row of this table represents an alternative language relationship for a particular StoreEntity. When information is not available in the requested language, information in the alternative language is used.
Column Name Column Type Description STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The StoreEntity ID for this relationship. The alternative language relationships of a store include the alternative language relationships for its StoreGroup. LANGUAGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The language ID for the requested language. For a list of language components (language ID codes), see the LANGUAGE table. LANGUAGE_ID_ALT INTEGER NOT NULL The language ID for the alternative language. For a list of language components (language ID codes), see the LANGUAGE table." SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 When the requested language is supported (see the STORELANG table) but information is not available in that language, each alternative language is tried in ascending order of SEQUENCE. A store may override the SEQUENCE specified for its StoreGroup. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030350010 LANGUAGE_ID+LANGUAGE_ID_ALT+STOREENT_ID Primary Key I0000603 STOREENT_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_413 LANGUAGE_ID LANGUAGE LANGUAGE_ID Cascade F_414 LANGUAGE_ID_ALT LANGUAGE LANGUAGE_ID Cascade F_415 STOREENT_ID STOREENT STOREENT_ID Cascade
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