Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > I

WebSphere Commerce database table: ICMETAPROP

This table is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. This table describes the properties of the metaphors. This table is only used by the Guided Sell metaphor.

Column Name Column Type Description
METAPHORID INTEGER NOT NULL The internal reference number for the metaphor. Foreign key to the ICMETAPHOR table.
PROPERTYNAME VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL Property of a metaphor that can be set. For example, DEFAULT_METAPHOR_NAME, DEFAULT_METAPHOR_CATEGORY_ID for Guided Sell.
PROPERTYTYPE INTEGER NOT NULL A number that represents the type of the property: 0=String, 1=Integer, 2=Long, 3=Float, 4=Double, or 5=Boolean.
PROPERTYVALUE VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL The value of the property.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL100520030343670 METAPHORID+PROPERTYNAME Primary Key

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type

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