Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > G
WebSphere Commerce database table: GRRGSTRNT
This table stores information about a registrant.
Column Name Column Type Description REGISTRANT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Primary key of the table. ADDRESS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The address information of the registrant. GIFTREGISTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The gift registry or wish list to which the registrant belongs to. RGSTRNTTYPE INTEGER NOT NULL The type of user for the gift registry or wish list. The following types are supported:
- 0: (Default) Indicates registrant.
- 1: Indicates co-registrant (such as a groom for a wedding).
- 2 to 5: Reserved for IBM internal use.
- 6 : Indicates additional co-registrants, if the gift registry or wish list is intended to be managed by several people.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use. USERID VARCHAR(32) User ID of the registrant, if a registrant is a registered user. This field is unique for a given registry (that is, a registry or wish list cannot be associated with the same registrant more than once). RELATION VARCHAR(64) The relationship of the registrant or co-registrant of the event. For example, bride or groom for a wedding registry.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030340420 REGISTRANT_ID Primary Key GRR_CONSTRAINT3 GIFTREGISTRY_ID+ADDRESS_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type GRR_CONSTRAINT1 GIFTREGISTRY_ID GRGFTREG GIFTREGISTRY_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_