Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > E
WebSphere Commerce database table: EXPLOG
This table records the relevant data of a recommendation event. It captures which marketing experiment was run, which experimental element was used, the e-Marketing Spot and what was recommended to the customer.
Column Name Column Type Description EXPLOG_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Internal generated reference ID. EXPERIMENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The experiment identifier as described in the EXPERIMENT_ID column of the EXPERIMENT table. STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store entity identifier as described in the STOREENT_ID column of the STOREENT table. SESSIONID CHAR(64) NOT NULL The unique identifier of the session. CREATED TIMESTAMP NOT NULL The time when the current log record was created. TESTELEMENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The identifier of the test element that was shown to the customer. RESULTTYPE CHAR(1) The type of the result displayed in the test element. Valid values include:
- D - promotion
- P - product
- C - category
- A - awareness ad
CLICKED CHAR(1) DEFAULT '0' Was the test element clicked
- 0 - the test element was not clicked
- 1 - the test element was clicked
RESULTS VARCHAR(254) A comma delimited list of primary key IDs of the data what was recommended to the customer. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved IBM Internal Use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030334140 EXPLOG_ID Primary Key I0001502 SESSIONID+STOREENT_ID Non-Unique Index _vcc_freeselect_bottom_