Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > C

WebSphere Commerce database table: CPGNSTATS

This table contains the statistics related to campaigns. The statistics include the number of impressions and the number of clickthroughs.

Column Name Column Type Description
INITIATIVE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The campaign activity identifier as described in the INITIATIVE_ID column of the INITIATIVE table.
MPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The e-Marketing Spot identifier as described in the EMSPOT_ID column of the EMSPOT table.
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store entity identifier as described in the STOREENT_ID column of the STOREENT table.
MPENAME VARCHAR(64) The name of the e-Marketing Spot as described in the NAME column of the EMSPOT table.
MPETYPE_ID INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use.
INITIATIVENAME VARCHAR(64) The name of the campaign activity as described in the NAME column of the INITIATIVE table.
VIEWS INTEGER The number of times (impressions) an e-Marketing Spot recommendation was shown to customers.
CLICKS INTEGER The number of times the e-Marketing Spot recommendation was clicked by customers.
MPETYPENAME VARCHAR(64) The identifier of the e-Marketing Spot type, the possible values are:
P (product recommendation)
C (category recommendation)
A (awareness advertisement)
S (product association)
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
I0000315 MPE_ID Non-Unique Index



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