Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > C
WebSphere Commerce database table: CPGNLOG
This table records the relevant data of a recommendation event. It captures which campaign was run, which campaign activity was run, the e-Marketing Spot, which customer segments were involved, and what was recommended to the customer.
Column Name Column Type Description USRTRAFFIC_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The user traffic identifier as described in the USRTRAFFIC_ID column of the USRTRAFFIC table. STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store entity identifier as described in the STOREENT_ID column of the STOREENT table. MPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The e-Marketing Spot identifier as described in the EMSPOT_ID column of the EMSPOT table. MPETYPE_ID INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. MPENAME VARCHAR(64) The name of the e-Marketing Spot as described in the NAME column of the EMSPOT table. INITIATIVE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The campaign activity identifier as described in the INITIATIVE_ID column of the INITIATIVE table. MPETYPENAME VARCHAR(64) The identifier of the e-Marketing Spot type, the possible values are:
P (product recommendation)
C (category recommendation)
A (awareness advertisement)
S (product association)CAMPAIGN_ID INTEGER The campaign identifier as described in the CAMPAIGN_ID column of the CAMPAIGN table. SHOPSEGMENTS VARCHAR(254) A comma-delimited list of customer segment names in which the customer fell into when a recommendation was run. RESULTS VARCHAR(254) A comma-delimited list of category entry identifiers (for suggestive selling) or ad copy identifiers (for awareness advertisements). This column stores what was recommended to the customer. INITIATIVENAME VARCHAR(64) The name of the campaign activity as described in the NAME column of the INITIATIVE table. CAMPAIGNNAME VARCHAR(64) The name of a campaign as described in the NAME column of the CAMPAIGN table. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030320090 USRTRAFFIC_ID+MPE_ID+INITIATIVE_ID Primary Key _vcc_freeselect_bottom_