Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > C
WebSphere Commerce database table: CLEANCONF
This table contains information for the Database Cleanup utility.
Column Name Column Type Description OBJECTNAME CHAR(40) NOT NULL The name of the WebSphere Commerce object to be cleaned. TYPE CHAR(40) NOT NULL The type of the object to delete for this condition in this table. Refer to the Database Cleanup utility command in the WebSphere Commerce information center for more information. STATEMENT VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL The SQL statement used by the Database Cleanup utility to clean up the entries in the database table. NAMEARG CHAR(10) NOT NULL Indicates if the name argument is used in the condition, which specifies the ID of the object to be deleted. Valid values are...
- yes=use the name argument
- no=do not use the name argument
SEQUENCE INTEGER NOT NULL Sequence number if more than one SQL statement is required to clean the WebSphere Commerce object. DAYSARG CHAR(10) NOT NULL Indicates if the days argument is used in the condition, which specifies the minimum days in existence for a record to be deleted. Valid values are...
- yes=use the days argument
- no=do not use the days argument
STATEMENTTYPE VARCHAR(120) The type of value that a select statement returns. For example, absolute file, relative path, or URL. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030315300 OBJECTNAME+TYPE+SEQUENCE Primary Key _vcc_freeselect_bottom_