Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > C
WebSphere Commerce database table: CERT_X509
This table is used to map X.509 certificate users to a unique user within the WebSphere Commerce system.
Column Name Column Type Description CTSERNUM CHAR(254) NOT NULL The serial number associated with the certificate. USERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key that references the USERS.USERS_ID column. This is a unique index. CTISSORGNM CHAR(200) NOT NULL The organization that issued this certificate. CTSBJCMNM CHAR(254) NOT NULL The name of the individual that holds this certificate. CTSBJORGNM CHAR(254) NOT NULL The name of the organization that this individual belongs to. CTSBJEM CHAR(254) The primary email address of the individual. CTREQID CHAR(254) This is meant for Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) purposes, otherwise set to NULL. CTSTATUS CHAR(4) NOT NULL This indicates if the certificate is valid (V), expired (E), or revoked (R). OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000070 CTSERNUM+CTISSORGNM+CTSBJORGNM+CTSBJCMNM Unique Index SQL100520030313820 USERS_ID Primary Key
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_232 USERS_ID USERS USERS_ID Cascade
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