Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > C
WebSphere Commerce database table: CCOMMENT
This table stores customer comments. These are notes about interactions that a customer service representative has with a particular customer, or notes that the customer requests be recorded as part of their profile.
Column Name Column Type Description CCOMMENT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Primary key. CUSTOMERID BIGINT NOT NULL Represents the customer (user) who made the comment, or about whom the comment was placed. TARGETID BIGINT NOT NULL Represents the target of the comment. This can be the user, the user's organization, or a CSR with whom the user has communicated. AUTHDOMAIN BIGINT NOT NULL The seller organization (authorization domain) owning the comment. By default this will be the organization that owns the store at which the comment was placed. This can be overridden to make the comment more generally applicable. CREATEDBY BIGINT NOT NULL Represents the user who created the comment. LASTUPDATEDBY BIGINT NOT NULL Represents the user who last modified the comment. On comment creation, this field will be set to the same value as the CREATEDBY field. CREATETIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP NOT NULL The time when the comment was first created. LASTUPDATETSTMP TIMESTAMP NOT NULL The time when the comment was last updated. On initial creation, the last update timestamp will be set to the same value as the create timestamp. LANGUAGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The language ID for this comment. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customer extension field 1. FIELD2 VARCHAR(254) Customer extension field 2. FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customer extension field 3. COMMENTDETAIL VARCHAR(2000) NOT NULL The comment text.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030313670 CCOMMENT_ID Primary Key I0000911 CUSTOMERID Non-Unique Index I0000912 TARGETID Non-Unique Index I0000913 AUTHDOMAIN Non-Unique Index I0000914 CREATEDBY Non-Unique Index I0000915 LASTUPDATEDBY Non-Unique Index I0000916 LANGUAGE_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_1165 LANGUAGE_ID LANGUAGE LANGUAGE_ID Cascade F_1160 CUSTOMERID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_1161 TARGETID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_1162 AUTHDOMAIN ORGENTITY ORGENTITY_ID Cascade F_1163 CREATEDBY USERS USERS_ID Cascade F_1164 LASTUPDATEDBY USERS USERS_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_