Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > A
WebSphere Commerce database table: AUCTSTYLE
This table stores information about available auction styles.
Column Name Column Type Description ASNAME CHAR(38) NOT NULL Auction style name. OWNER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL ID of the owner of the auction style. ASTYPE CHAR(4) NOT NULL Auction type. Valid values are...
- O=open cry
- SB=sealed bid
- D=dutch
ADMIN_ID BIGINT The ID of the administrator who created the auction style. AUQUANT DOUBLE NOT NULL Auction quantity. OPENPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Open price. Used by Dutch auctions. RESERVPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Reserve price for the auction. RULE_ID BIGINT Bid control rule for this auction. Foreign key to the CONTRLRULE table. CLOSEPR CHAR(4) Auction closing price rule. Valid values are...
- D=discriminative
- ND=non-discriminative
DEPOSIT DECIMAL (20,5) Deposit amount required for the auction. CLOSETYPE INTEGER Auction closing rule. Valid values are...
- 1=at a fixed end time
- 2=if a specified amount of time has elapsed since the last bid
- 3=based on logical OR 1 and 2
- 4=based on logical AND 1 and 2
STARTDAYS INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. ENDDAYS INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. STARTTIME TIMESTAMP Auction starting time. ENDTIME TIMESTAMP Auction ending date and time. ASDURATION TIMESTAMP Auction duration. ASCUR CHAR(4) Currency code. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards. RULEPAGE VARCHAR(254) Rule page. The name of the JSP file used to display the auction rules. ITEMPAGE VARCHAR(254) Name of the page used to display the item when it is on auction. DURDAYS INTEGER Auction duration in days. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030301540 OWNER_ID+ASNAME Primary Key I0000033 ASTYPE Non-Unique Index I0000465 ADMIN_ID Non-Unique Index I0000466 RULE_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_94 RULE_ID CONTRLRULE RULE_ID Cascade F_95 OWNER_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_96 ADMIN_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade
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