Reference > Data load utility CSV column definitions

SKU defining attribute value

Use the SKUDefiningAttributeValue keyword to load classic attribute value for SKUs into the database using a CSV file. The CSV file contains column definitions specifying the characteristics of the catalog business object type.

CSV file column definitions


(String) The part number of the catalog entry (SKU). Either this field or the CatalogEntryUniqueId is mandatory.


(Integer) The internal unique reference number of the catalog entry (SKU). Either this field or the PartNumber is mandatory.


(Integer) The unique reference number of the attribute.


(String) The name of this attribute. This field is language sensitive.


(String|Integer|Float) The value of the attribute.


(String) Indicates whether to delete. If you are performing a delete operation, specify this column. A value of "1" indicates that the row should be deleted.


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