Develop > Persistence layer > Data assets > Bootstrap files

Access group bootstrap file

ACUserGroups_ locale.xml is a language-dependant XML file that populates access groups into the relevant database tables with locale specific information.

The following tables are populated by loading ACUserGroups_ locale.xml:

Database table Type of information Code sample
MEMBER Members of type 'G' (member group) are added. <UserGroup Name="Sellers" OwnerID="RootOrganization" Description="Users with role of seller" >




<variable name="role"/>

<operator name="="/>

<value data="Seller"/>





MBRGRP Member groups are added.
MBRGRPUSG The member groups are associated with access group member group type (-2).
MBRGRPCOND Stores the optional conditions for implicit membership in an access group.

IBM recommends that you do not modify any of the bootstrap files. If modified, an instance may not be created successfully and this could result in a major support issue. If changes are needed to the bootstrap access groups, after instance creation, it is best to copy the bootstrap file, modify it as needed, and then load the new access group definition.


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