Develop > Presentation layer > Customize WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, Organization Administration Console, or Administration Console > Tools framework > Search dialogs

Example: Search dialog SearchDialogCriteriaBean

The following example shows an implementation of the SearchDialogCriteriaBean.

import java.util.Hashtable; import; import; import;  
public class SampleSearchCriteriaDataBean implements SearchDialogCriteriaBean {
   protected CommandContext commandContext = null;    protected TypedProperty requestProperties = null;  
   public CommandContext getCommandContext() {
         return commandContext;     }
   public void setCommandContext(CommandContext cc) {
         commandContext = cc;     }
   public TypedProperty getRequestProperties() {
         return requestProperties;     }
   public void setRequestProperties(TypedProperty reqProp) {
         requestProperties = reqProp;     }
   public void populate() {
   public Hashtable getManufacturer() {
      Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();       hash.put("IBM", "IBM");       return hash;     }
   public Hashtable getDisplayNum() {
      Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();       hash.put("10", "10");       hash.put("20", "20"); 
      hash.put("30", "30");       return hash;     }
   public Hashtable getStore() {
      Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();       hash.put("demoStore", "Demo Store");       hash.put("protomartB2B", "protomart B2B"); 
      hash.put("protomartB2C", "protomart B2C");       return hash;     }
   public String getMessage() {
         return "message from the server";     }

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