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Outbound services for Order and quote capture integration

The Order and Quote Capture Integration makes outbound web service requests to get inventory availability, reserve inventory, and get offer price for products. The integration also makes outbound web service calls to calculate and transfer order, get order listing and details, submit quotes, and get quote listing and details.

Outbound service interfaces used by Order and Quote Capture Integration
Component BOD Action Code/Access Profile Description
Inventory GetInventoryAvailability IBM_Store_Details Retrieves the inventory availability of items at the specified locations.
ProcessInventoryRequirement ReserveInventory Reserves inventory for order items in an order or shopping cart.
CancelInventoryReservation Cancels the inventory reservations of order items in an order or shopping cart.
Price GetPriceList IBM_Store_PriceEntry_DetailProfile Gets best offer price for items from the external system.
Order GetOrder IBM_External_Details Gets order details by external order ID. It sends out request BOD to external system. The expected response BOD includes order level information and information for all the order items.
IBM_Summary Gets all the orders placed by current member in the current store with a specific order status. It sends out request BOD to external system. The expected response BOD includes order level information, but no information for order items.
ProcessOrder CalculateOrder Calculates charges for an order in external system. The request BOD usually comes from inbound GetOrder service (IBM_Details), contains both order level information and order item level information. The expected response BOD contains order calculation results, including order amount information and all order item amount information.
TransferOrder Transfers an order to external system. The request BOD contains detailed information of both order level and order item level. The expected response BOD contains external order ID.
Quote GetQuote IBM_External_Details Gets quote details by external quote ID. It sends out request BOD to external system. The expected response BOD includes quote expiration date and order level information such as buyer ID, order placed date; it also includes some order item level information.
IBM_Summary Gets all quotes placed by current member in current store with a specific order status. It sends a request BOD to the external system. The expected response BOD includes quote expiration date and order level information such as buyer ID, order placed date, but doesn't include order item level information.
ProcessQuote SubmitQuote It is used to submit a quote to external system. The request contains detailed information of the quote, including quote expiration date, related order information and all order item information. The expected response contains external quote ID.

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