Tutorials > Program model > Web services
Create a WebSphere Commerce service module (SOI)
Attention: This tutorial is currently under revision. The content might contain errors or inaccuracies. Subscribe to this page to be notified when an updated version is available.
This tutorial contains two parts:
- Create the Get TutorialStore service
- Create the Process TutorialStore service
You must create the Get TutorialStore service before creating the Process TutorialStore service to successfully complete this tutorial.
- Tutorial: Creating the Get TutorialStore service
In this tutorial we will follow the development of a sample service module, TutorialStore, based on the concept of a Store in WebSphere Commerce version 7. The services provided by the tutorial store will be Get and Process. In this tutorial part, the Get service is used to retrieve store information based on a search expression.
- Tutorial: Creating the Process TutorialStore service
In this tutorial we will follow the development of a sample service module, TutorialStore, based on the concept of a Store in WebSphere Commerce version 7. The services provided by the tutorial store will be Get and Process. In this tutorial part, the Process service initiates a business process for the tutorial store