Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > Payments subsystem > Configure payment plug-ins > Configuring the Boleto payment method

Create a new payment policy

To add a new payment business policy, update the WebSphere Commerce database with the policy name and attributes of the policy.


Run an SQL statement to insert data into the database. For instance:

insert into policy( policy_id, policyname, policytype_id,storeent_id, properties )values( your_policy_id, 'BoletoBancario', 'Payment', yourStoreId,'attrPageName=BoletoBancario&paymentConfigurationId=configurationGroup&display=true&compatibleMode=false'); insert into policydesc( policy_id, language_id, Description,longDescription )values( your_policy_id, -1, 'Boleto Bancario', 'Boleto Bancario' ); insert into policydesc( policy_id, language_id, Description,longDescription )values( your_policy_id, -6, 'Boleto Bancario', 'Boleto Bancario' ); insert into policycmd (policy_id, businesscmdclass) values (your_policy_id, '') ; insert into policycmd (policy_id, businesscmdclass) values (your_policy_id, '') ; insert into policycmd (policy_id, businesscmdclass) values (your_policy_id, '');



is an unused policy identification number.

To determine an unused policy identification number run the following SQL statement:

select * from policy; 

The value of policy_id in all the SQL statements should be the same.


is the ID of the store to enable the plug-in for.

To determine the store ID, run the following SQL statement:

select * from storeent; 


is the configuration group for the store. WebSphere Commerce provides a ready-to-use payment configuration group named default that you can use for the store.

The language_id value -6 indicates Brazilian Portuguese.

For more information, refer to the defined payment business policy properties.

Next topic: Configure the payment policy for the BoletoBancario payment method

Related concepts

Boleto Bancário payment method


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