Administer > Stage server > Create a staging server

Create a staging server on a migrated environment

  1. Run stagingprop to ensure that all the latest changes are available on the production server.

  2. Back up the staging trigger definition of the custom tables as well as their corresponding records in the following tables:

    If you are not sure about the staging triggers, check the file...


    ...where db_type is either db2 or oracle.

  3. Migrate the production server.

  4. Create a WCS instance as a staging server:

    1. Start the Instance Creation wizard.

    2. Complete the pages of the wizard.

    3. On the Staging page of the wizard, ensure that you select...

      Use staging server

      If you do not select this check box, the resulting WCS instance is a production WCS instance.

    4. Ensure that caching is not enabled in the Cache page.

    When the instance creation process completes, you have created a staging instance.

  5. Redefine the custom tables in the staging database schema.

  6. Place the backed up records into the STGMERTAB, STGSITETAB, and STGMRSTTAB table, depending on the scope of the table.

  7. Redefine the staging triggers for the custom tables in the wcs.stage.trigger.sql file.

    Do not run the wcs.stage.trigger.sql file or change the wcs.droptrigger.sql file.

  8. Run stagingcopy to synchronize the staging database with the production database.

  9. Modify the wcs.droptrigger.sql file to include all the custom tables after running the stagingcopy utility.

  10. Copy the nondatabase assets such as JSP files, JavaScript files, and image files, from the production server to the staging server.


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