Administer > Stage server > Staging server utilities
fileprop utility
The fileprop utility sends all new and changed files to the administration node of the federated WebSphere Application Server environment, which later pushes them into the managed nodes, which includes the production server. The staging server needs to be federated using the same deployment manager as the production server. Otherwise, the managed files will not be propagated into the production EAR because the deployment manager is not aware of the production node.
The fileprop utility determines if the environment is federated or not. If the environment is federated, it propagates the files to the production server. However, if the environment is not federated, fileprop puts the names of new and changed files into the log file, and instructs you to manually copy the files from the staging server to the production server. The fileprop utility assumes that the manual copy is carried out, and will not handle those files the next time the utility is called.
The function of the fileprop utility can be performed by the stagingprop utility if you specify the required parameters. The stagingprop utility publishes production-ready data then publishes managed files. If you only want to publish managed files to the production server, use the fileprop utility.
The fileprop utility runs as a single transaction and is committed only after propagation is successful. If the propagation fails, the transaction rolls back returning the production database to the state before the fileprop utility began.
To run the fileprop utility, issue the following command from a command line on a system that can connect to both the staging or authoring server database and the production server database.
To run shell scripts:
- Log on as a user profile that has a CCSID other than 65535.
- Start a Qshell session.
- The utility format is:
- WC_INSTALL/bin/ (parameters...)
The user parameters must always be specified.
Utility command
The fileprop utility has the following file name:
- fileprop.bat
Parameter values
All parameters are required unless indicated.
- -dbtype
- Optional: Specify DB2. This is the default database type and you can omit the dbtype parameter from the command.
- Required: Specify one of the following values:
- DB2/OS400
- Specify DB2/OS400 when using the native i5/OS JDBC driver.
- DB2/OS400ToolBox
- Specify DB2/OS400ToolBox when using the IBM Toolbox for Java JDBC driver.
- Required: Specify Oracle.
- -sourcedb
- Required: The name of the database on the staging server.
- If the -dbtype parameter is DB2/OS400, specify the name of the database on the staging server, as displayed in the relational database directory.
- If the -dbtype parameter is DB2/OS400ToolBox, specify the host name of the server on which the production-ready data resides.
- For DB2 UDB databases, the Type 2 database name is deprecated, where the database names do not contain a prefix.
That is, the DB2 Type 4 JDBC driver is used instead, where the Type 4 database name is prefixed with the database server and port. For example, db_server:db_port/db_name.
See the DB2 Information Center for more information:
- -sourcedb_user
- Required: The logon ID of the database administrator who has created the source database schema. If not specified, the ID of the user currently invoking the utility is used.
The user profile associated with the commerce instance. This is the same as the source database schema.
- -sourcedb_passwd
- Required: The password of the logon ID that is specified by the sourcedb_user parameter.
- -destdb
- Required: The name of the database on the production server.
- If the -dbtype parameter is DB2/OS400, specify the name of the database on the production server, as displayed in the relational database directory.
- If the -dbtype parameter is DB2/OS400ToolBox, specify the host name of the server on which the production database resides.
- For DB2 UDB databases, the Type 2 database name is deprecated, where the database names do not contain a prefix.
That is, the DB2 Type 4 JDBC driver is used instead, where the Type 4 database name is prefixed with the database server and port. For example, db_server:db_port/db_name.
See the DB2 Information Center for more information:
- -destdb_user
- Required: The logon ID of the database administrator who has created the production database schema. If not specified, the ID of the user invoking the utility is used. This parameter is mandatory when using a remote database.
The user profile associated with the commerce instance. This is the same as the production database schema.
- -destdb_passwd
- Required: The password of the logon ID that is specified by the destdb_user parameter. If not specified, the system prompts you to enter the password. This parameter is mandatory when using a remote database.
- -destdb_locktimeout
- Optional: Specifies the number of seconds the fileprop utility connection to the production database should wait to obtain a lock on the database it is updating. If the fileprop utility cannot obtain a lock within the specified number of seconds, the database transaction is rolled back.
- -wsadmin_user
- Optional: A WebSphere Application Server administrative user ID.
This parameter is required if WebSphere Application Server global security is enabled. See the Administrative security topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for more information.
- -wsadmin_passwd
- Optional: The password for the user ID specified by the wsadmin_user parameter.
This parameter is required if WebSphere Application Server global security is enabled. See the Administrative security topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for more information.
- -waspath
- The full path to the location of the WebSphere Commerce profile. This path will be used to locate the or wsadmin.bat file on staging or authoring server.
- -profilename
- The name of the WebSphere Application Server profile on the staging server that contains WebSphere Commerce. By default, the profile name is the same as the WCS instance name. Verify the staging server and the production server are in the same federated environment.
- -appname
- The value of WC_enterprise_application on the production server.
- -modulename
- The name of the application module to which managed files are copied. This is typically Stores.war.
- -log
- The path and name of the file in which the fileprop utility records its activities and errors. The timestamp is appended to the file name, for example, myLog_ If this parameter is not specified, a log file called fileprop_ is created in the following log directory.
- WC_USER/instances