Secure > Enhance site security > Enable password invalidation

Views for password invalidation

To use the password invalidation security feature, define the ChangePassword view for the store.


This view is displayed if a user's password has expired or if the user has requested to change his or her password. It should provide the user with a form to enter the current (expired) password and a new password. The Submit button invokes the ResetPassword command. There should also be a Cancel button that redirects the user to another page, in most cases, the storefront page.

ChangePassword view attributes



The user's password has expired. This attribute is required in order to distinguish this case from the case of a user-requested password change. The JSP page should look for this attribute in order to decide what to display.


The user has requested to change his or her password.


The current user logon ID.


The URL to which the browser is redirected after a successful password change. This URL will be passed to an action command under the name ECConstants.EC_URL.

ChangePassword form attributes


The logon ID of the user. The current logon ID has been passed in to the view.


The old password.


The new password.


The new password verification.


The URL where users are redirected after a successful password change. The value has been passed in to the view.


The URL where the browser is redirected if the password change is not successful.


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