chgwcspwd utility
The chgwcspwd utility changes the encrypted password for users.
Parameter values
- database
- The name of the target relational database as displayed in the relational database directory.
- dbHostname
- The name of the database server.
- schema_name
- The name of the target database schema. This name is normally the same as the WCS instance name (for example, demo).
- instance
- The WCS instance name (for example, demo).
- instancePwd
- The password for the WCS instance.
- merKey
- The WebSphere Commerce merchant key. This parameter is used if the merchant key is not retrieved from the key locator framework (KLF).
- k
- The merchant key to be retrieved from the key locator framework (KLF) using the specified keys_config_file_location. The absolute path of the file must be specified.
- wcsUser
- The WebSphere Commerce user ID.
- wcsUserPwd
- The password for the WebSphere Commerce user ID.
- oneWayHash
- WebSphere Commerce uses a one way hash for password encryption. The default value of the parameter is true. IBM recommends that you use the default value for this parameter.
The following example depicts how to use the chgwcspwd utility to change the encrypted password for a user named customer1 when the merchant key is not retrieved from the key locator framework (KLF): -database database1 -dbHostname host1 -schema schema1 -instance instance1 -instancePwd mypassword -merKey 1234567890abcdef -wcsUser customer1 -wcsUserPwd customer1pwd
The following example depicts how to use the chgwcspwd utility to change the encrypted password for a user named customer1 when the merchant key is retrieved from the key locator framework (KLF): -database database1 -dbHostname host1 -schema schema1 -instance instance1 -instancePwd mypassword -k C:\WebSphere\CommerceServer\instances\xml\CustomKeys.xml -wcsUser customer1 -wcsUserPwd customer1pwd
Running the chgwcspwd utility resets the encrypted password of a specific WebSphere Commerce user.