Reference > Utilities

Import Marketing Statistics utility

This utility imports marketing statistics from a source XML file.

Import Marketing Statistics command

Import Marketing Statistics command

  1. The preceding diagram is intended primarily as a reference for the parameters. The script provided and listed in Copy statistical data from the production server acts as a wrapper to the actual Java command and accepts the same parameters; therefore, it is recommended that you use the command file or script rather than invoke the Java command directly.

  2. Filenames specified as parameters for this command can be preceded by relative or absolute paths.

Parameter values


The type of database you are using, either DB2 or Oracle.

Must be DB400.


The name of the database. DB2 users enter the simple name of their database.

Identify the database using the following format: hostname:port:sid. This identifies the hostname of the database server, the port number of the server, and the system ID

The relational database name. This must match the name found when you run the Work with Relational Database Directory Entries ( WRKRDBDIRE) command.


The user ID of the database owner.

This is also known as the instance user profile.


The password for the database owner ID.


The path and name of the output file created with the ExportStats command (if no path is specified, the default is the current directory).


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