Product overview > What's new summary > New features and functionality > What's new for administrators

Manageability enhancements

Load data more efficiently

The data load utility now supports loading data into a workspace. This functionality allows you to make changes to managed assets and preview the data before committing it to the production-ready data on the authoring server.

IBM Sales Center 7 improves functionality and developer productivity

IBM Sales Center 7 is now built and deployed on Lotus Expeditor. This provides access to improved functionality and developer productivity compared to previous versions in which IBM Sales Center was built and deployed using WebSphere Everyplace Deployment for Windows and Linux. The IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce is migrated to WebSphere Commerce v7 by using the installation wizard. No separate migration actions are required. You must, however, migrate any custom Sales Center applications to the new deployment environment.

Paymentech Plug-in reduces complexity

Introduced in WebSphere Commerce v6 Feature Pack 2, the Paymentech plug-in allows the Payments plug-in controller to communicate directly with the Paymentech gateway through the plug-in. In previous versions, the payment processing component was configured to use WCPayments plug-in with the Paymentech Cassette. The new implementation uses the advantages of payment plug-ins and removes the complexity of using payment cassettes.

Quickly index the site using sitemaps

Prior to WebSphere Commerce v6 Feature Pack 2, a search engine spider crawled through the Web site to index the store's pages. With sitemap integration, you can create a sitemap XML file, site map_ storeID.xml, that contains a list of URLs for the site. This significantly increases the speed of indexing. This way, customers are able to find the site when they perform a search, driving activity to the site and increasing revenue opportunities.

The WebSphere Commerce integration with sitemaps is made up of two parts:

Integrate back-end and external systems using WebSphere MQ v7

WebSphere Commerce provides a listener for WebSphere MQ (formerly MQSeries) for inbound requests and an adapter for WebSphere MQ for outbound requests to allow you to integrate back-end and external systems with WebSphere Commerce using WebSphere MQ.

The listener supports WebSphere MQ v6.0, v7.0 and higher. WebSphere MQ v6.0 and higher includes WebSphere MQ classes for Java and WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service (JMS).

New JDBC drivers provide richer set of functions

WebSphere Commerce now uses the ojdbc6.jar JDBC driver for the Oracle database and the db2jcc4.jar DB2 JCC JDBC driver for the DB2 UDB database. These upgraded JDBC drivers provide WebSphere Commerce with a richer set of functions for creating database connections. The Oracle driver file supports JDK 1.6. The DB2 driver file supports JDK 1.6 and JDBC 4.0.

Support for refunds without returns

WebSphere Commerce now supports issuing a refund without a corresponding return. This helps Customer Service Representatives respond to orders that are cancelled after payment capture, but before the order is shipped.

Related concepts

Paymentech plug-in
WebSphere Commerce integration with sitemaps
WebSphere MQ

Related tasks

Load data into workspaces using the Data load utility
Migrate IBM Sales Center
Issue a refund without a corresponding return


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