Product overview > What's new summary > Highlights of v7
B2B features for v7
The following features have been implemented:
- Elite starter store replaces the Advanced B2B direct store.
The Elite starter store provides all the pages and features necessary for a functioning Advanced B2B direct online store. It contains a full set of Advanced B2B direct features, including...
- organization and user registration
- catalog browsing
- promotions and targeted marketing
The store contains rich interactions, including...
- product quick info window
- product fast finder
- mini shopping cart
- streamlined checkout flow
The Elite starter store demonstrates best practices in store development with WebSphere Commerce, and can act as a base for implementing storefronts.
It uses Rich Internet Application (RIA) technologies such as...
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
- Dojo widgets
It addresses many common Web customization issues, using CSS and DIV tags for page layout, design and styling, rather than overusing table elements throughout the page.
The store is fully accessible and translated into 13 languages. The store also supports locale-specific bidirectional languages.
Other features include...
- search engine optimization
- support for multiple Web browsers and platforms
- change flow options to accommodate various flows, depending on customer needs
- Order and quote capture integration
You can integrate WebSphere Commerce with external systems in a commercial environment where a buyer places an order and may propose a quote on the price from the Web user interface of WebSphere Commerce. The details of these orders and quotes are transferred to the external system for processing. The buyers can view the orders and quotes placed by them at a later point of time. Using this integration approach, buyers can view the operational data, which includes order and quotes, captured through any of the channels of the backend system that serves as the system of records. The offer price and inventory availability data is available in real-time through the external system, and displayed in the storefront using external Web service calls.
Related concepts
Elite starter store
Order and quote capture integration