Implementation scenario

This chapter describes our test installation and the configuration methods we used in the development of this book. The goal was to provide an optimized infrastrucuture for the project team when running operations such as:

Provisioning LPARs using a standardized operating system image

Installing and customizing WebSphere

Controlling and changing dynamically allocated hardware resources

Controlling and changing virtual I/O devices

Deploying sample WebSphere Application Trade 6.1

In addition, we tried to arrange our installation to support the Application Lifecycle Management required to operate our processing resources in an efficient and optimized way.

First we discuss the scenario implementation and configuration, explaining how we optimized the system to simplify it and make it available as fast as possible. Then we show how you can implement the scenario.

The sample scenario demonstrates the use of Dynamic LPAR (DLPAR) with WAS V6 Network Deployment. Installing and configuring WAS and the sample application Trade 6.1 is also covered.

To illustrate the effect from changes involving POWER5 resources, Rational Performance Tester was used to run load against Trade 6.1, and we discuss the results that were recorded.
