9.3.1 WebSphere Partitioning Facility with DLPAR
If WebSphere Partitioning Facility (WPF)-enabled applications are running within a cluster consisting of DLPAR-capable machines, then it is possible to allocate additional CPU resources to mitigate latency or higher demand scenarios without suffering even one partition subset outage.
Refer to...
Using WebSphere Extended Deployment V6.0To Build an On Demand Production Environment, SG24-7153
***Note that this is a v6.0, not v6.1 Redbook.
However, if we are utilizing a blade center or Linux cluster, for example, and want to even out the load against the given cluster members, then an outage for at least a subset of the endpoint partitions will occur. This outage occurs because the partitioning facility needs to take partitions offline during the move and then reactive them on another physical blade.
In the case of a DLPAR-capable machine, more resources can be provided to handle partitions that are receiving an abnormally high number of transaction requests.