9.2.1 Processor DR events
Consider what happens when more virtual processors are assigned to a partition that is in use as part of a dynamic cluster that is managed by WebSphere XD. This can happen as the result of manual administrator action via the HMC, or the dmgr command for System p.
As a result of the processor DR event, when a change occurs to the number of virtual processors that are available to a partition in which a WebSphere XD node agent is running, the node agent makes that information available to the WebSphere XD autonomic controller. The controllers read that new information and dynamically make use of it in their calculations.
Because the flow controller is aware that more processing power is available to service requests on the node, it will route correspondingly more requests to that node if there is sufficient demand. Additionally, if the placement manager knows that more processing power is available to run applications, it will start additional application servers on that node, assuming sufficient demand and sufficient available memory.