Determine initial heap size | Expansion and contraction

6.4.3 Determine maximum heap size

The conventional wisdom for determining the maximum heap size has been to base it on percentage utilization, usually about 50%. For example, a running application would show the percent freebytes as 50%.

... <tenured freebytes="53276072" totalbytes="104857600" percent="50" > ...

However, this approach does not take into account the purpose in sizing the heap. The goal is to have a heap large enough to avoid too many allocation failures, for example, more than once every 10 minutes, while also not being so large that collections become too costly a procedure, because collections take longer on larger heaps.

The possibility of the heap becoming fragmented exists if the heap is so large that no collection occurs for a long period of time. When an allocation failure occurs when the heap is heavily fragmented, the collection will require a compaction that could take an unacceptably long time.

To determine an optimal maximum heap size...

  1. Start with a size that is at least 30% larger than the maximum heap used, or 50% larger than the average heap utilized, if the heap tends to fluctuate in size.
  2. Monitor the application for performance. Use these numbers as a baseline.
  3. At the same time, determine the allocation failure rate from analyzing verbosegc output.
  4. Increase the maximum heap size if allocation failures are quite frequent.
  5. Decrease the maximum heap size if allocation failures are infrequent, but cause pause times to be unacceptably too long. A smaller maximum heap size also will be necessary if, during an extended run, the heap becomes fragmented.

Next: 6.4.4 Expansion and contraction