
Dynamic operations

Extended Deployment monitors the Application Server environment and makes optimizations or recommendations based the servers' behavior. This is called WebSphere Dynamic Operations. WebSphere XD tries to meet the demands of work coming into the system by balancing resources in the system according to policies and goals.

To manage resources WebSphere XD creates a virtualized environment. Resources in the virtual environment are unified into a pool, called a node group. For our purposes a node group is simply a collection of managed computer systems into which WebSphere deploys applications1. This group of machines defines a boundary for cluster formation. Within a node group one or more dynamic clusters are created, and the node group's computing power will be distributed between clusters according to the policies and goals that have been established. This is done by assigning priorities to the requests the system receives based on these policies and goals.

Resources are expanded and contracted within the node group to ensure the business goals are achieved. In this way, clusters are no longer a static entity, as in a WebSphere ND environment, and become dynamic. In XD these clusters are known as dynamic clusters.

1For information on having more than one node per machine consult WebSphere documentation.


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