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2.3 Enabling WebSphere Application Server DynaCache
DynaCache is ready-to-go straight out of the box. It is available immediately after you have installed WebSphere Application Server, although it needs to be enabled by a simple administration switch setting. By default the service is enabled.
Figure 2-5 DynaCache Service in the administration console
Figure 2-6 Enabling the dynamic caching service
You also need to enable servlet caching in the Web container to cache the output from servlets and JSPs. In a base installation, navigate from the home page in the Administration console to enable servlet caching...
Application Servers | Server1 | Web Container Settings | Web Container
Figure 2-7 Enabling servlet caching on the Web container
In a clustered environment do this for every member of the cluster. Execute the following steps:
- Go to...
Application Servers | cluster member | Web Container Settings | Web Container
- Execute the enablement step.
- Save the configuration and restart the server to make the changes take effect.
Apart from the a few administration enablement operations, there are no time-consuming installation or integration efforts required. Java classes providing support for the DynaCache subsystem are found in the DynaCache.jar file, which is part of the standard WebSphere Application Server runtime library.