2.12.1 Install the cacheMonitor.ear application
The cache monitor application is not installed automatically, so use the administrative console or an equivalent wsadmin script to install the cache monitor application from the <app_server_root>/installableApps directory. The name of the application is cacheMonitor.ear.
Install the cache monitor into the application server you want to monitor. Refer to DynaCache tutorial to see exactly how to perform the cache monitor installation. The cache monitor has to be applied to each server you want to monitor. It does not provide a unified view of the cache for all the servers in the cluster.
Attention: Recall our recommendation that you only use the cache monitor on production servers with security and access control applied to reduce the chances of someone invalidating the whole cache and causing a massive performance degradation of a Web site with potentially serious business impact.
Once installed, you can access the cache monitor using the following url: http://host_name:port/cachemonitor where your port is the port associated with the host on which you installed the cache monitor application. Once the monitor is up and running you can verify the list of all cache instances that you have configured.
If you did not configure any cache instances the Cache Monitor will only display the cache entries stored in the default, base Cache instance.