Test scenarios for benchmark-creation testing
The scenarios for benchmark-creation testing should cover the most common and typical user behavior. The workload characteristics should be similar to those in the actual site usage. For e-Commerce applications, some of the characteristics to be considered are...
Buy versus browse ratio
Average size of shopping cart
Guest versus registered user ratio If the production site already exists you should use the web-logs to define the workload characteristics.
Benchmark-creation tests are not the same as system tests or performance tests.
Benchmark-creation tests build up a set of reference points and are not intended for finding defects or solving performance issues. However, they can be combined with other types of tests.
Functional coverage of benchmark-creation tests is typically much smaller than that of system or performance tests, including only the most prominent elements of a site's daily workload.
Because of their limited coverage, benchmark-creation tests rarely include special-purpose features, such as discounts, promotions, or marketing experimentation: some features may not be always active in the site, others do not have a significant impact on the performance. If necessary, we can create separate benchmarks for such features.