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Use the <c:import> tag to dynamically include JSP pages
Commerce uses the <c:import> tag to dynamically include JSP pages.
The <c:import> tag, part of the Java Server Tag Library, supports relative and absolute URLs. The standard <jsp:include> tag only supports relative URLs.
To avoid problematic behavior, such as JSP fragments being displayed twice, surround <c:import> with <% out.flush(); .
<%out.flush();%> <c:import url="../../../Snippets/ReusableObjects/InventoryCountDisplay.jsp"> <c:param name="fulfillmentCenterId" value="${CommandContext.store.fulfillmentCenterId}" /> <c:param name="itemSpcId" value="${catalogEntry.itemspc_id}"/> <c:param name="storeId" value="${WCParam.storeId}"/> </c:import> <%out.flush();%>Flushing the buffer before and after imports ensures that no child content is written to the parent's cache entry.
The out.flush statement is required for all <c:import> statements, not just those for fragments. Even if the page is being cached using full-page caching, the out.flush tags are still required to surround the <c:import> tags.