Home | 4.2 Replication in DynaCache | 4.2.1 Specifying the sharing policy declaration in the cachespec.xml
Sharing policy
When you are preparing your Web site to operate within a cluster and planning to use DynaCache distributed capabilities, you should be aware of particular operational aspects that you can control. The first thing to be aware of is the sharing policy.
Specifying which cache entries are shared between the servers controls which cache entries are replicated. Specify in each cache entry the cluster sharing characteristics that control if a cached item is replicated to other the cluster members.
The most likely sharing candidates are objects whose content is cached at the servlet level since that content generally does not contain personalized data. Those kinds of entries are a good starting point for your selection process.
One good practice to work with concerns the sharing of JSP fragments. Only replicate cached JSP fragments that have a long life expectancy in cache, and are reusable across users. The only exception to this rule is if the cost to create the JSP fragment is very high and it would be more economical to replicate to the other cluster members than have them recreate it. Remember, if you have chosen to use the Push policy, then once any cache item is replicated, the other cluster members use that cache entry and do not recreate a local copy from scratch.