This property, when set to "true," instructs DynaCache to not cache a fragment and not consume it in any parent cache item that incorporates it. The implication of this is that the JSP will be re-executed every time the page is drawn.
Example 2-13 do-not-cache used to prevent the caching of a child JSP
<cache-entry> <class>servlet</class> <name>/DNCChild.jsp</name> <property name="do-not-cache">true</property> <cache-id> <timeout>0</timeout> </cache-id> </cache-entry> <cache-entry> <class>servlet</class> <name>/DNCParent.jsp</name> <property name="consume-subfragments">true</property> <cache-id> <timeout>0</timeout> </cache-id> </cache-entry>
The do-not-cache property also works with ESI servers.