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Maintain Load Balancer logs
Load Balancer posts entries to a server log, a manager log, a metric monitor log (logging communications with Metric Server agents if these are used), and a log for each advisor that you use. Additionally, for the Dispatcher component only, entries can be made to a subagent (SNMP) log.
You can set the logging level to define the expansiveness of the messages written to the log. At level 0, errors are logged and Load Balancer also logs headers and records of events that happen only once (for example, a message about an advisor starting to be written to the manager log). Level 1 includes ongoing information, and so on, with level 5 including every message produced to aid in debugging a problem if necessary. The default for the manager, advisor, server, and subagent logs is 1.
You can also set the maximum size of a log. When you set a maximum size for the log file, the file will wrap. When the file reaches the specified size, the subsequent entries will be written at the top of the file, overwriting the previous log entries. You cannot set the log size to a value that is smaller than the current one. Log entries are timestamped so you can tell the order in which they were written.
The higher you set the log level, the more carefully you should choose the log size. At level 0, it is probably safe to leave the log size to the default of 1 MB. However, when logging at level 3 and above, you should limit the size without making it too small to be useful.
You can set the logging level and log file size using the Load Balancer administrative GUI (lbadmin) or using the dscontrol command.