Deployment of Commerce instance configuration file

Once the WebSphere Commerce instance configuration file (located in WC_installdir /instances/instance_name/xml/instance_name.xml) is changed, either manually or through WebSphere Commerce configuration manager, also ensure that you run the ANT target UpdateEAR target to update the runtime configuration with the new configuration file. This process ensures that all nodes running the WebSphere Commerce instance place an updated copy of the configuration file in the following location:


Run ANT script

The UpdateEAR target uses a partial application (.zip) or instance configuration file (xml) to update the deployed WebSphere Commerce Enterprise application.

The administrative server must be running to run the ConfigureCommerceServer target and any subtargets.

The file must exist for this Ant target to work. For information about generating the properties file, see ANT targets.

The name of the WebSphere Commerce instance with which you are working (for example, demo). For example:

WC_installdir/bin/ -DinstanceName=instance_name 