
Executor runs this script whenever Executor is stopped or it is first started. We want to set the network interfaces to an initial state here, so the cluster IP alias ( is removed from the network interface. However, because our Load Balancer servers are collated with balanced Web servers in our MAC forwarding scenario, we need to add the cluster IP alias to the loopback interface (lo0 on AIX) or keep it there. See Example 11-14.

When Executor is started and a configuration is loaded, goActive or goStandby will be called after this script, and the settings for the interfaces are corrected.

Example 11-14 goInOp script for MAC forwarding (AIX)

. LoadBalancer_Install_Dir/servers/bin/variables
date >> $ND_LOGDIR/ha.log
print "Executor has stopped. Removing device alias.\n" >>
ifconfig lo0 delete $CLUSTER
ifconfig lo0 alias $CLUSTER netmask
ifconfig $INTERFACE delete $CLUSTER

Note: Only add the loopback alias ("ifconfig lo0 alias $CLUSTER netmask") if Load Balancer is collocated with a balanced Web server.

For NAT forwarding on Solaris (without collocation), the script is shown in Example 11-15.

Example 11-15 goInOp script for NAT forwarding (Solaris 9, no collocation)

. LoadBalancer_Install_Dir/servers/bin/variables
date >> $ND_LOGDIR/ha.log
echo "Executor has stopped. Removing device alias.\n" >>
ifconfig $INTERFACE $CLUSTER netmask $NETMASK down unplumb
ifconfig $RETURNINTERFACE $RETURNADDRESS netmask $NETMASK down unplumb
