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IBM HTTP Server status page


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The IBM HTTP Server server-status page is available on all supported IHS platforms. It shows performance data on a Web page in HTML format.

To activate the server-status page:

  1. Edit httpd.conf

  2. Remove the comment character (#) from the following lines:
    #LoadModule status_module modules/
    #<Location /server-status>
    #    SetHandler server-status
    #    Order deny,allow
    #    Deny from all
    #    Allow from

  3. Save the changes and restart IHS.

  4. Open the URL...

    http://<webserver>/server-status a Web browser, and click Refresh to update the status.

If your browser supports refresh, you can also use the URL...

http://<webserver>/server-status?refresh=5 refresh every 5 seconds. You can see the number of requests currently being processed and the number of idle servers.