Enable remote configuration

The application server node that is used to create WebSphere Commerce instances-WebSphere Commerce node 1-needs remote access to Web server node 1 for configuration.

Remote configuration of Web server node 1 can be done using FTP or a mounted directory as part of WebSphere Commerce instance creation. IBM recommends FTP, as this method is more flexible, for example, if WebSphere Commerce node 1 and Web server nodes use incompatible file systems.

You need to enable an FTP server on Web server node 1. Ensure that the user non-root_user can log in from WebSphere Commerce node 1 (which is used to create the instance). The user non-root_user also needs the permissions to create directories as well as files in the WebSphere Commerce instance configuration directory (WC_Install_Dir/instances/Instance_Name) and the IBM HTTP Server Plug-in installation directory (Plugin_Install_Dir).

To test FTP access, log in to your WebSphere Commerce node 1, create a temporary file, and try to upload it, as shown in Example 10-1, for our Web server node 1, srvb501.torolab.ibm.com.

Example 10-1 Testing the FTP connection and permissions for the non-root_user (wasuser in our example)

[root:/tmp/ftptest] > touch test.file
[root:/tmp/ftptest] > ftp srvb501.torolab.ibm.com
Connected to srvb501.torolab.ibm.com.
220 srvb501 FTP server (Version 4.2 Fri Oct 7 19:22:01 CDT 2005) ready.
Name (srvb501.torolab.ibm.com:root): wasuser
331 Password required for wasuser.
230-Last login: Wed Jul  4 19:47:13 EDT 2007 on /dev/pts/2 from dev01931.de.ibm.com
230 User wasuser logged in.
ftp> cd /usr/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer60/instances/demo
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put test.file
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for test.file.
226 Transfer complete.
1 bytes sent in 0.001459 seconds (0.669 Kbytes/s)
local: test.file remote: test.file
ftp> cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put test.file
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for test.vi.
226 Transfer complete.
1 bytes sent in 0.001459 seconds (0.669 Kbytes/s)
local: test.file remote: test.file
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye
