DB2 monitoring | Snapshot monitor

16.2.1 DB2 Monitoring


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DB2 should collect information from the database manager, its databases, and any connected applications. With these functionalities, we can achieve:

In DB2, there are two primary tools with which you can access system monitor information, each serving a different purpose:

The system monitor provides multiple means of presenting monitor data to you. For both Snapshot and event monitors you have the option of storing monitor information in files or SQL tables, viewing it on screen (directing it to standard-out), or processing it with a client application.

Collecting system monitor data introduces processing overhead for the database manager, which not only consumes more CPU resources, but also increases memory consumption to store the collected data.

In order to minimize the overhead involved in maintaining monitoring information, monitor switches control of the collection of potentially expensive data by the database manager. Each switch has only two settings: ON or OFF. If a monitor switch is OFF, the monitor elements under that switch's control do not collect any information. There is a considerable amount of basic monitoring data that is not under switch control, and will always be collected regardless of switch settings.

The typical information that you can get from the DB2 system monitor can be classified as listed in Table 16-1.

Monitor switches Information collected
Buffer Pool Buffer pool usage statistics
Lock Info Number of locks that have occurred and deadlocks
Sort Info Sort overflows, number of sorts
Statement Seeing what SQL statements are currently running on the DB2 server
Timestamp Info Timestamp information
Unit of Work Statistics for units of work included in start and stop time and status

You can use the GET SNAPSHOT command to get snapshot information once you have turned on the switches.

To check the status of the monitor switches, you can use the get monitor switches command.