Inventory cache update service
The inventory cache update service is an inbound Web service responsible for updating the inventory cache in WebSphere Commerce when a store is configured to use an external system for inventory management. This inbound Web service is typically called by the external system to perform fine-grain adjustments to inventory levels cached in WebSphere Commerce; the external inventory management system should consider using massload for coarse-grain adjustments such as regularly-scheduled refreshes of the entire inventory cache.
Typical use cases
- The inventory levels of certain products have changed and the inventory cache in WebSphere Commerce needs to be updated.
- The inventory levels of certain products are changing rapidly and should no longer be cached by WebSphere Commerce.
Endpoint URL and operation
The default endpoint URL of this inbound Web service is https:// hostname:8000/webapp/wcs/services/InventoryServices. The operation of this inbound Web service is SyncProductAvailability, with the SyncProductAvailability BOD as request and the ConfirmBOD BOD as response.
Requests to this inbound Web service are in the form of ProcessOrder BODs. They are mapped to the InventoryBalanceUpdate command and should contain the following information:
XPath* Type Maps to the following command parameter Description Required DataArea/Sync/ActionCriteria/ActionExpression /@actionCode
string ActionCode The action code. It must be " Update" (to cache) or " Delete" (to un-cache). Y DataArea/ProductAvailability[i] /ProductIdentifier/SKU
string SKU_i SKU of the product. Y DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/QuantityOnHand double GlobalQuantityOnHand_i Quantity value on hand at the global level . N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/QuantityOnHand/@uom string GlobalUOMOnHand_i Unit of measure of the quantity value, for example, "C62" for unitless. See Quantity units. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/ExpectedInventory[j]/Quantity double GlobalQuantityExpected_i_j Quantity value expected at the global level. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/ExpectedInventory[j]/Quantity/@uom string GlobalUOMExpected_i_j Unit of measure of the quantity value. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/ExpectedInventory[j]/AvailableDateTime dateTime GlobalEstimatedAvailableDateTime_i_j Estimated available date of the expected inventory. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/@fulfillmentCenterID int FulfillmentCenterId_i_m ID of the WebSphere Commerce fulfillment center. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/QuantityOnHand double QuantityOnHand_i_m Quantity value on hand at the fulfillment center level. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/QuantityOnHand/@uom string UOMOnHand_i_m Unit of measure of the quantity value. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/ExpectedInventory[n]/Quantity double QuantityExpected_i_m_n Quantity expected at the fulfillment center level. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/ExpectedInventory[n]/Quantity/@uom string UOMExpected_i_m_n Unit of measure of the quantity value. N DataArea/ProductAvailability[i]/FulfillmentCenterInventory[m]/ExpectedInventory[n]/AvailableDateTime dateTime GlobalEstimatedAvailableDateTime _i_m_n
Estimated available date of the expected inventory. N * Namespace prefixes ignored for simplicity.
- Sample SyncProductAvailability BOD 1 - caching the inventory level of a product at the global level
- Sample SyncProductAvailability BOD 2 - caching the inventory levels of products at the fulfillment center level
- Sample SyncProductAvailability BOD 3 - uncaching the inventory level of a product
Responses of this inbound Web service are in the form of AcknowledgeOrder BODs. They contain the following information:
XPath* Type Description DataArea/BOD/BODSuccessMessage - This element is present if the request was successful. * Namespace prefixes ignored for simplicity.
- Sample ConfirmBOD BOD 1 - response of successfully updating the inventory cache
All exceptions will be returned in the form of ConfirmBOD BODs with a ResponseCriteria element under the Confirm verb. They will contain the following information:
XPath* Type Description DataArea/Confirm/ResponseCriteria/ChangeStatus/Code string The correlation identifier. Can be used to uniquely identify an exception in the server logs. DataArea/Confirm/ResponseCriteria/ChangeStatus/ReasonCode string The reason code, which is either a WebSphere Commerce system error code if it is available, or the EC message key plus an optional secondary error code if the WebSphere Commerce system error code is unavailable (usually in the case of application exceptions). DataArea/Confirm/ResponseCriteria/ChangeStatus/Reason string The exception message. * Namespace prefixes ignored for simplicity.
- Sample ConfirmBOD BOD 2 - exception response when missing a required parameter
The releaseID and versionID attributes should be blank when calling the inventory cache update service and ignore the attributes returned in response BOD.
Related reference