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Any service that is fronted by an XML schema requires a logical model definition. For WebSphere Commerce, the logical model will be represented as a noun. To reduce complexity, WebSphere Commerce uses its own...

...rather than using the nouns and base types provided by OAGIS.

Nouns define the name of each data element in the logical model, and assign that name to a data type. This data type may be a primitive XML schema type like boolean, or you can define a complex type. A complex type is a construct of data elements like CurrencyType which contains price (represented by a double type) and currency (represented as a string). WebSphere Commerce provides some predefined complex type constructs which are shared among all of the nouns.


WebSphere Commerce common types

WebSphere Commerce common types can be found in one of the following files:

IBM/Commerce/Resources/ComponentsIdentifierTypes.xsd Contains the identifier types. Identifier types are types that identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme. For example, PersonIdentifierType, OrganizationIdentifierType, CatalogExternalIdentifierType.
IBM/Commerce/Resources/ComponentsBaseTypes.xsd Contains the types that are not domain specific, such as DescriptionType, LanguageType, CurrencyType, CharType, UserDataType, etc.
IBM/Commerce/Resources/ComponentsCommonTypes.xsd Contains the domain specific types that are shared across components. CommonTypes.xsd includes IdentifierTypes.xsd and BaseTypes.xsd. You only need to include CommonTypes.xsd if you want to use the types defined in above files.

Types that are used inside one service module only, but shared between nouns are defined a common XSD such as CatalogCommon.xsd


Naming conventions


Schema structure

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce use of Open Applications Group (OAGIS) messaging