Developing > Persistence layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Portlet packaging structure

Packaging portlets

When development is complete, portlets are packaged into WAR files for deployment to the WebSphere Portal Server.

Before you begin

  1. Open Rational Application Developer.

  2. From the Enterprise Explorer view, right-click the portlet project and select Export > WAR file. The Export wizard opens.

  3. On the WAR Export page, enter the destination directory for the WAR file. A default name for the WAR file is automatically provided, but you can change it.

  4. Do not select the Export Source files check box to exclude source files in the WAR file.

  5. Select the Overwrite existing file to automatically replace an existing WAR file for this project.

  6. Click Finish.

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal

Portlet packaging structure

Last updated: 25 November 2009