Developing > Persistence layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Customizing WebSphere Commerce Portal integration > Use the provided WebSphere Commerce MVCPortlet class (MVC style) > Using WebSphere Commerce services in portlets
Calling a WebSphere Commerce service using the MVC portlet configuration file
Use the MVC portlet configuration file, portlet-config.xml, to call a WebSphere Commerce service without writing any additional code.
About this task
To use the MVC portlet configuration file to call a WebSphere Commerce service:
- Open the MVCPortlet_installdir/WEB-INF/portlet.xml file.
- Find the <portlet> element for the portlet that you want to configure. In that section is an <init-param> element with a <name> of wc.config.files. The <value> for this element is the location of the portlet-config.xml file.
- Open the portlet-config.xml file in your Rational Application Developer.
- To call a WebSphere Commerce service, add an <action> element. For example, the following element calls the updatePerson() method on the Member client library:
<action className="" name="ChangePersonalInformation"> <set-property name="clientLibrary" value="" /> <set-property name="clientMethod" value="updatePerson" /> <set-property name="renderName" value="ChangePersonalInformationDisplay" /> <set-property name="session" value="true" /> </action> <render className="" name="ChangePersonalInformationDisplay"> <forward mode="view" path="/member/ChangePersonalInformationDisplay.jsp" /> <set-property name="session" value="true" /> </render>- Add a link to call the <action> from a JSP file. For example, the actionURL below calls the ChangePersonalInformation action we defined in step 2:
<portlet:actionURL var="ChangePersonalInformationActionURL"> <portlet:param name="actionName" value="ChangePersonalInformation" /> <portlet:param name="renderName" value="AccountDisplay" /> <portlet:param name="faultRenderName" value="ChangePersonalInformationDisplay" /> </portlet:actionURL> <form name="ChangePersonalInformation" method="post" action="<c:out value='${ChangePersonalInformationActionURL}' />"> ...... </form>The action is called and then forwards to the AccountDisplay render. If there is an error, it forwards to the ChangePersonalInformationDisplay render, which returns to the original JSP file. An error message will be added to the request parameter. It can be retrieved from the request parameter map by using the name "errorMessage".
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal
Use WebSphere Commerce services in portlets
WebSphere Commerce Portal integration event handlers
WebSphere Commerce portlet action handler
Related reference
MVC portlet configuration file syntax
Last updated: 25 November 2009