Developing > Presentation layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Commerce Portal integration tracing and logging

Portlets can write message and trace information to log files, which are maintained in the WebSphere Portal server's log directory. The log files help the portal administrator investigate portlet errors and special conditions; they also help the portlet developer test and debug portlets.


  1. To enable portlet tracing:

    1. Log in to the portal as the portal administrator.

    2. Select Administration > Portal Analysis > Enable Tracing. The Enable Tracing portlet appears.

    3. In the Append these trace settings field, type the required trace string.

    4. Click the Add icon. Using Enable Tracing, update the Current trace settings field.

      For example:*=all

      WebSphere Portal does not allow selective logging. When the logging is enabled on the WebSphere Portal server, all portlets deployed to that server are logged.

  2. To disable portlet tracing:

    1. Log in to the portal as the portal administrator.

    2. Select Administration > Portal Analysis > Enable Tracing. The Enable Tracing portlet appears.

    3. Under Current trace settings, select the current trace settings and click the Remove icon.

Related information

Details on all trace strings

System event logging