Developing > Persistence layer > WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal > Customizing WebSphere Commerce Portal integration > Use the provided WebSphere Commerce MVCPortlet class (MVC style)
Populating data on a portlet JSP file using the WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library
The WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library provides a JSP tag, <wcf:getData>, which allows you to retrieve service data objects from any SOA or SOI WebSphere Commerce service. It associates the service data objects with a newly declared scripting variable with a given id. The specified id associates the SDO objects with a specified scope. Unless otherwise specified, the Java object created is an instance of java.util.List that contains the list of service data objects.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal
Use WebSphere Commerce services in portlets
WebSphere Commerce Portal integration event handlersRelated tasks
Add or customizing a portlet using the MVCPortlet classRelated reference
WebSphere Commerce foundation tag libraryLast updated: 25 November 2009