WebSphere Commerce Analyzer fiscal calendar properties
During the Load Languages and Financial Periods Texts configuration step, the PERIOD table is loaded according to the selections for fiscal year start and number of periods to load, and period descriptions are added for each period depending on the language selection. The period load is based on the Gregorian calendar. For more information about configuration and the Load Languages and Financial Periods Texts step, see the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer section of the WebSphere Commerce Additional Software Guide.
The WCA.PERIOD table contains information about each day of the fiscal year. The WCA.PER_DESC_REF field contains language-specific descriptive texts for each period ID in the period table.
The PER_ID and CALENDAR_DATE fields are the only fields in the WCA.PERIOD table that affect the extraction process. Do not change these fields or columns.
WebSphere Commerce Analyzer table rules
The following rules apply to the WCA.PERIOD table for the default properties:
Rule Value The first day of the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer default fiscal calendar year January 1 The last day of the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer default fiscal calendar year December 31 The WebSphere Commerce Analyzer default fiscal calendar observes leap years February 29, 2000, February 29, 2004, and so on. Fiscal months have the same boundaries as the Gregorian calendar
- January 1 - January 31 = Month 1 of the fiscal year
- February 1 - February 28 or 29 = Month 2 of the fiscal year
Fiscal quarters have the same boundaries as the Gregorian calendar
- January, February, March = Quarter 1 of the fiscal year
- April, May, June = Quarter 2 of the fiscal year
The boundaries for the week of fiscal month, the week of the fiscal quarter, and the week of fiscal year.
- July 31, 2004:
- WK_OF_FM = 5
- WK_OF_FQ = 5
- WK_OF_FY = 31
- August 1, 2004:
- WK_OF_FM = 1
- WK_OF_FQ = 6
- WK_OF_FY = 32
The boundaries for week of the fiscal year, week of the fiscal quarter, week of the fiscal month correspond to the boundaries used by the Gregorian calendar with the first day of the year being January, 1st. For example, if the fiscal year 2004 starts on July 1, 2004:
- July 1, 2004: Day = 1, Week = 1, Month = 1, Quarter = 1, Week in Quarter = 1.
- July 31, 2004: Day = 31, Week = 5, Month = 1, Quarter = 1, Week in Quarter = 5
- August, 15, 2004: Day = 46, Week = 3, Month = 2, Quarter = 1, Week in Quarter = 8
Default population of WCA.PERIOD table
The following table shows how each column of the WCA.PERIOD table is populated for default population:
Column Description PER_ID The generated ID (starting from 1). PER_AGGR_ID The default value for all rows is 1, which indicates that these periods are a portion of the day (for example, second, minute, hour, and so on). This column joins to the PER_AGGR_REF column. PER_DESC_ID The same as the generated ID by default. It joins to the PER_DESC_REF column. CALENDAR_DATE The date field, which uses the DB2 date type for PER_ID using year, month, and day (for example: 1 = January 1, 2000, 2 = January 2, 2000). DAY_OF_WK The day of the week, which resets each week. The default starts with 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, and so on. DAY_OF_WK_ID The ID of the day of the week, which joins to the DAY_OF_WK_REF column. Default = DAY_OF_WK. DAY_OF_FM The day of the fiscal month, which resets each month. DAY_OF_FM_ID The ID of the day of the fiscal month, which joins to DAY_OF_FM_REF. The default is DAY_OF_FM. DAY_OF_FY The day of the fiscal year, which resets each year. DAY_OF_FY The ID of the day of the fiscal year, which joins to DAY_OF_FY_REF. The default is DAY_OF_FY. WK_OF_FM The week of the fiscal month, which resets each month. The defaults are 1 = the first 7 days of the month, 2 = the second 7 days of the month, and so on. WK_OF_FM_ID The ID of the week of the fiscal month, which joins to WK_OF_FM_REF. Default = WK_OF_FM. WK_OF_FQ The week of the fiscal quarter, which resets each quarter. The defaults are: 1 = the first 7 days of the quarter, 2 = the second 7 days of the quarter, and so on. WK_OF_FQ_ID The ID of the week of the fiscal quarter, which joins to WK_OF_FQ_REF. The default is WK_OF_FQ. WK_OF_FY The week of the fiscal year, which resets each year. The defaults are: 1 = the first 7 days of the year, 2 = the second 7 days of the year, and so on. WK_OF_FY_ID The ID of the week of the fiscal year, which joins to WK_OF_FY_REF. The default is WK_OF_FY. MON_OF_FY The month of the fiscal year, which resets each year. The defaults are based on Gregorian calendar months: January, February, March, and so on. MON_OF_FY_ID The month of the fiscal year, which joins to MON_OF_FY_REF. The default is MON_OF_FY. QTR_OF_FY The quarter of the fiscal year, which resets each year. The defaults are based on Gregorian calendar quarters: Jan, Feb, Mar = 1, and so on. QTR_OF_FY_ID The quarter of the fiscal year, which joins to QTR_OF_FY_REF. The default is QTR_OF_FY. FISCAL_YR The fiscal year. WEEKDAY_FLG The weekday flag. The following are the defaults:
- 1
- 0
HOLIDAY_FLG The holiday flag, which is always 0 by default and requires customization. The population of the period description table WCA.PER_DESC_REF is controlled by WCA_installdir\lib\refperiod.properties. LOWRANGE and HIGHRANGE define the lowest and highest values for each period reference table.
Sources of descriptions for the WCA.PERIOD table
Column Description WK_OF_FM The range is 01 - 05. WK_OF_FQ The range is 01 - 15. WK_OF_FY The range is 01 - 52. MON_OF_FY The range is 01 - 12. QTR_OF_FY The range is 01 - 04. DAY_OF_FM The range is 01 - 31. DAY_OF_FY The range is 01 - 366. The language-specific texts and the description patterns are defined in the WCA_installdir\\lib\nls\Reference_Table.properties file, respectively WCA_installdir\lib\nls\Reference_Table_locale.properties.
For example, to populate the column DAYDESC the key PER_DESC_REF.DAYDESC is used to find the pattern. The default pattern in the Reference_Table_en_US.properties file is FY{0}D{4}. The values in braces are replaced with the actual values for the fiscal year (4 digits) and the fiscal day (3 digits), for example, FY2003D035.
You can change the pattern to modify the description, for example, FY{0}-{2}-{9} would result in FY2003-02-04 for the example above. See the Reference_Table.properties file for a complete list of available options.
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